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  We’re Dreaming of a 5 Christmas!

Silver Mercedes as pressies, nicking Advent calendar choccies and harassing shop assistants.  Merry Christmas from ABS, RICH, SEAN, J and SCOTT!


Crimbo in the Robinson household is a strictly traditional affair but go easy on the turkey...

Having a feel!

In the morning I sit on my mum and dad's bed with my two sisters Hayley and Nicola and we take it in turns to guess what's in our stockings. I always get two or three Terry's chocolate Oranges, a new toothbrush and a silly puzzle which annoys me after ten minutes. When it's my dad's turn to have a feel he shouts out, 'Socks!' even though he never gets given any!

Big presents!

Now this is my mum's tradition and if anyone nicks this idea I'll go mad. Every present has a raffle ticket on it so leading up to Christmas you don't know which present a belongs to who and you don't get tempted to have a sneaky peek. My mum keeps matching tickets in a stocking. On Christmas morning we sit in a circle and pick a ticket out one by one and then pass it over to whoever's name is scribbled on the back. They then go and match it up with a present under the tree. Clever, huh?

Dinner time!

My mum comes up trumps every year. I'm not into vegetables so I tend to have loads of turkey and Yorkshire puddings. My mum always threatens to chop my fingers off! There are also sausages wrapped in bacon, turkey stuffing and two sorts of gravy!

Telly Addict!

The TV's always on in the background but we're not forced to watch the Queen's speech. In fact if I see her on the screen I'm likely to throw something at her. I have to watch Santa Claus: The Movie or it doesn't feel like Christmas at all.

Fantasy Christmas

I'm definitely going to take my family to stay in a log cabin in Sweden one year. We'll venture out into the snow to chop logs and have a real Christmas tree with piles of presents underneath.


He's the only person in pop, nay the world, who claims to like sprouts with his Crimbo dinner. Is he mad? Probably!

The night before Christmas.

On Christmas Eve, when I was really little, we'd leave mince pies and sherry for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph. I carried on the tradition with my nephew when he was a baby but we don't do it these days.

Early morning alarm call!

When I was younger I'd wake the entire family up at about five o'clock and we'd all get up and open our presents. My sister used to really annoy me because I'd open everything in a matter of minutes, and I'd look round and she was just starting on hers because she opened all the Sellotape really carefully. I'd get dead stressed because she'd have loads of presents left and I wouldn't - not fair!

J in 'Sprouts OK' shocker!

We have Christmas dinner around three and until then we'd just pick at pies and stuff. The table's always completely loaded with food, all the traditional turkey and trimmings. Before I was in the band there was no way I'd eat sprouts - yuck! But, I think it's because we don't get to eat that much good food because we're always travelling, I can stomach sprouts now!

Splashing the cash!

Christmas shopping really gets me in the mood for Christmas! I'm not going to have very much time to do the shopping this year though so it'll probably get me really stressed out, but it’s worthwhile, isn't it?

Fantasy Christmas

As long as my family are there, that's my fantasy Christmas and this one is going to be perfect anyway. I've only seen my family about twice this year so I'm really looking forward to spending some time with them! Aaah, bless!


Christmas round Rich's tends to be a boozy do. Well, it would be if your mum owned a pub, wouldn’t it?

Feeling Christmassy!

There's this one decoration we've got, a red and green wooden sled with a little bear riding on it and a big present at the back which you twist and it plays Jingle Bells. It’s not Christmas until I see it and when I do I feel all Christmassy straight away!

Sneaking a peek!

I always went looking for my presents before Christmas Day but they must have been well hidden because I never found them! Once they were wrapped they'd be under the tree for a while before Christmas. I'd try and guess what they were but if my mum saw me going anywhere near them she'd be like, 'Get away from them!'

The drinks are on me!

Christmas Eve is the busiest time of the year in the pub! When I was younger I'd go in on my own and when I was a bit older I'd go out with my friends and have a couple of drinks. We open for a couple of hours on Christmas Day. It's always really chilled, all the regulars are there and it’s free drinks all round!

Dinner's served!

The TV’s turned off during dinner and the stereo goes on. We’ll have a bit of Nat King Cole (bursts into song) 'Chestnuts roasting on an open fire!' and then some Christmassy tunes and then maybe some George Michael. We have turkey and little sausages with bacon wrapped round them that my mum only ever makes at Christmas!

Fantasy Christmas

Our traditional family Christmas is pretty near perfect anyway but one year I'd like to take the family somewhere really snowy and have a Christmas-card type one. We'd stay in a log cabin and we'd wake up to tons of snow and presents!


The spirit of Christmas is alive and well round at the youngest Fivester's house, but keep your choccie-filled advent calendar away from him or there’ll be none left!

Midnight Mass - boring!

I used to go to Midnight Mass occasionally. I didn't enjoy the actual service, it was pretty boring to be honest, but it was just me and my dad that went and I really enjoyed the time together. It would be about the only time me and my dad were together, just the two of us, over Christmas.

Best present ever.

There's no way I can name my best Christmas present ever because I get great presents every year. To be honest it’s not what I get, it’s the thought behind it that counts - really! I'm not actually bothered what the present is, it's just receiving something from my family, that’s what I like.

Nicking chocolate!

My little sister usually had an Advent calendar with chocolate behind the doors. I'd normally steal the chocolates and then put the doors back in place so you couldn't tell and then I'd just blag it, you know, 'Nah, it wasn't me!'

Pop Star Crimbo!

Christmas isn't going to be any different this year. The best thing is that I'll be able to get my family better Christmas presents, not that it’s that important. We might go away somewhere though. Somewhere cold or somewhere hot? That would be telling, wouldn’t it? Let’s just say somewhere nice!

Fantasy Christmas

I think the ideal Christmas location is somewhere snowy but not too cold.  Yeah, snowy but the sun’s shining - perfect!


He'd be the perfect Christmas guest. Just don't ask him to decorate the tree or help with the washing-up!

Decorating disasters!

I’d always try to help out decorating the Christmas tree but I'm crap! In the Five house we had this plastic one and I went and bought lights and those round things (we think he means baubles!) and I thought I’d done a really good job until my mum visited and she was like, 'What is that?!' She did it herself and I have to say, it looked loads better when she'd finished!

What could it be?

I was always the kind of kid who wanted to know exactly what he was getting for Christmas. I'd tell my dad what I wanted and then he'd buy it and wrap it up for me so there were never any surprises on Christmas Day. I’d pick up my presents, shake them and go, 'That’s the keyboard, that's the football, that’s the whatever...'

Don't ask...

One thing's for sure, you won't find me helping out with the washing-up after Christmas dinner! I don't do jack when I'm at home for Christmas, I really don't! You really can't understand how tittle I do.

My best present ever!

I remember one year I got this remote control toy Mercedes and it was the best present in the world! It was an old-style silver Merc and it was so cool. It only went really slow and I had to follow it round everywhere but I loved it!

Fantasy Christmas

My fantasy Christmas would be at home. As a one-off it might be nice to go away, but being with all the people who matter to me is what counts. Christmas Day is always really mad because I try to see everyone, but as soon as I get my own place I’ll be able to invite them all round to mine!

    [Source: Top of the Pops Magazine]
Chris asks: How do people usually celebrate Christmas in the UK?



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© H. W. Lee, 1999