  Using the programme

  Need some advice?


  Notes to students

  Notes to teachers



Using the programme

Use of icons and symbols

Throughout the programme, you will see different icons and symbols:

Back to top Ghostwriter
Go back to the top This is Ghostwriter.  Click on it and Ghostwriter will carry your messages to Chris.

Start time End time Word limit Tips
Click on it to start the timer (nothing will happens, but that's OK). Click on it to stop the timer (ONLY click on it when you have finished). It tells you how many words to write for the summary.  Don't write more than it says! You'll get some questions to guide you through the process.

Database Dictionary Send Next
This is a collection of summaries students send in with teacher's comments.  A good place to find help if you're stuck. Look up difficult words here.  But remember, you don't have to understand every word before you can write your summary! Always click on Ghostwriter to send the summary to Chris. Click on it when you want to move on to the next page.


Tips in using the programme

It might take some time to read the passage and to write the summary, we suggest you work offline, and then get online again when you finish.  (How?)

There are several ways to finish the summary task:

Use the Ghostwriter Scrapbook to keep track of what you have done.  If you set yourself a plan before using this programme, you can follow it more easily.  You will know how to get Ghostwriter Scrapbook below.

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Need some advice?

Where to start?

You can start anywhere you like, as long as you enjoy doing it.  There are many choices.
Here are some suggestions:

Also, choose a suitable level.  Read the descriptions of each level and start from the one you feel comfortable to work with.

What to do next?

If you have just finished a summary, you can:

If you are in Ghostwriter College, it is better to finish all the lessons.

Also, it is good to write down what you have done in your Ghostwriter Scrapbook.

Always come back here when you need help.

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(Note: The following instructions are for Netscape browsers.  If you are using other browsers, please check from the Help menu of your browser.)

How to work offline?
            - File - Offline

How to start online again after offline
            - File - Online

How to make the words larger on the screen?
            - View - Increase Font

How to stop the animation?
            - Stop

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Notes to students

You can use this programme whenever you feel like.  It is particularly useful if you want to learn how to write summaries or to know more about the British culture.  You will also be glad to find a lot of passages here for pleasure reading.

To get the best out of this programme, we suggest you keep a record of your work.  In this way, you will know how well you have been doing as you progress.  You will also know what areas you want to learn more.  Get your Ghostwriter Scrapbook and print it out.  Put it in a file and note down what you did every time you finish using the programme.

Click here to get your Scrapbook.
Get your Scrapbook here.
(Print it out.
 Then close the window and return to this page.)

It is also beneficial to learn from others.  Send in your summaries and we will put them in our Database.  Don't be shy!

Finally, enjoy the programme!

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Notes to teachers

To be able to write a summary, students will need to read and write well.  Therefore, summary writing can be useful to help students practise reading skills, writing skills, or incorporate both.

This programme is designed for self-access use.  Yet there is no reason why it cannot be used as part of your teaching.  Here are just a few suggestions:

Using this programme in class:
- students read the passage alone and work in pairs to discuss how to summarise
- students discuss what makes a good summary

Using the programme outside class:
- encourage students to finish the programme on their own
- assign a part or parts of the programme to be finished before coming to class

You can also use the programme to teach reading skills or writing skills.  Also, it is a good source of reading on British culture.

Teachers can also expand the collection of articles of this programme by adding passages of their own choice.

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For anyone:

For students: For teachers:

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